Intuitive Child In Me Instructor

October 07 - 10, 2024

Remote Location / Valencia / Russafa Meet

Formerly known as Rainbow Children / Develop Your Intuition.


Taught by Vianna Stibal & THInK's Instructor Team

remote location

From October 07 - 10 

Seminar will be held in-person on our remote location in Valencia. Teachings will be broadcasted live from Montana. 

Hours: 9:00 a 15:00hrs CEST.

More details. 

Student must participate all 4 days 

to receive their certification. 


Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and Creator and Basic DNA Instructor. 


Seminar begins 9:00hrs, venue opens 8:45hrs CEST and CET.


¡Please BE ON TIME!


Time zone- Spain Peninsular Time, Europe Central Time (UTC +2 & UTC +1)

Total Investment

Registration Fee: $710 USD

Seminar Fee: $1,800 USD

Aprox.: $2,510 USD


El curso de instructores de Niños Arcoíris de Vianna es una oportunidad única de ser enseñado por Vianna Stibal, la fundadora de ThetaHealing.


This is one of ThetaHealing’s most psychic seminars. If you want to increase your psychic abilities this is the seminar for you.


You will be licensed to teach 15 separate seminars that will refine your student’s abilities as well as your own. Vianna will share her wisdom and insight so we can help Rainbow Children grow with the love of the Creator. You will be licensed as a teacher of Indigo and Rainbow students so they are empowered to develop and enhance their intuitive skills and abilities.


Vianna witnessed her own spontaneous, instant healing from cancer in her leg. After her leg was healed, she spent many years perfecting this simple yet effective technique that has changed the lives of thousands. Her love is felt throughout her ThetaHealing® seminars. This seminar fulfills Vianna’s vision of teaching the Rainbow Children.


Rainbow Children are sensitive and incredibly intuitive children, teens and young adults. A Rainbow Child is a child born with infinite wisdom and the ability to change the world around them. Since the time of the ancients the world has waited for the extremely loving and adaptable Rainbow Children to come in with their boundless love and patience. Indigo Children ushered in a new age and can be influenced by negativity around them, but can now shift to Rainbow Children.



¿Por qué tomarlo?

As a teacher:

  • You will know how to take your students on an adventure as they master how to connect to the Creator.
  • You will learn a wide range of ThetaHealing® techniques such as how to do the belief work and how to create positive feelings; empathic readings; healings of the body and the soul; guided meditations; future and guardian readings.
  • You will know how to teach sixteen lessons to groups 7-11 year old children, 12-15 year old teens, 16-22 year old young adults and ThetaHealing® practitioners.



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